Arabs Engraved Their Name In History

History of Arabia, history of the region from prehistoric times to the present.

Sometime after the rise of Islam in the first quarter of the 7th century CE and the emergence of the Arabian Muslims as the founders of one of the great empires of history, the name ʿArab came to be used by these Muslims themselves and by the nations with whom they came in contact to indicate all people of Arabian origin. The very name Arabia, or its Arabic name Jazīrat al-ʿArab, has come to be used for the entire peninsula. But the definition of the area, even in Islamic sources, is not agreed upon unanimously. In its narrowest application it indicates much less than the whole peninsula, while in ancient Greek and Latin sources—and often in later sources—the term Arabia includes the Syrian and Jordanian deserts and the Iraqi desert west of the lower Euphrates. Likewise, “Arabs” connoted, at least in pre-Islamic times, mainly the tribal populations of central and northern Arabia.

Arabia has been inhabited by innumerable tribal units, forever divided or confederating; Its history is a kaleidoscope of shifting allegiances, although certain broad patterns may be distinguished. A native system has evolved from moving from tribal anarchy to centralized government and relapsing again into anarchy. The tribes have dominated the peninsula, even in intermittent periods when the personal prestige of a leader has led briefly to some measure of tribal cohesion.

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Arabs of America

Arab Americans are the Arabs residing in the United States of America, of whom 80% hold American citizenship. Arab Americans mostly hail from the Arab countries, which consist of 22 countries, from Oman in the far southeast of the Arab world to Mauritania in far west Africa.

62% of Arab Americans are from the Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine (disambiguation), and Jordan), and of Egyptian descent, making up 11% of Arab Americans. Arabs from Iraq, Yemen, the Maghreb and other Arab countries make up the remaining 27% of Arab Americans. The largest Arab communities in America are in the states of California, Michigan, and New York.

Arab Christians make up 63%, while Muslims make up 24% of Arab Americans, and followers of other religions and irreligious people make up about 13%. Arab Americans are classified as white by the government and the US Census Service. The Arab community in the United States is considered a successful community, as about 61% of them hold higher educational degrees, and they have high percentages in the liberal, medical and engineering professions, and the average income of American families of Arab origin throughout the United States exceeds $ 54,000 annually, surpassing the level of The income of other American families, amounting to 43.6 thousand dollars annually.

The list of creative Arab scientists in the modern era is so long that we are unable to count them. Every day a great Arab scholar emerges in the sky of science, and what we mentioned of them is a small part, in order to confirm that the Arab mind is no less efficient than its Western counterpart, and if the same conditions were given to it, it would excel and innovate .